Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Reflect upon your experiences this semester with meeting the competencies under Domain #4 (Professional Responsibilities). Consider what artifacts and documents you have which fulfill this domain.

You may reflect upon experiences such as in-service days, workshops, and other professional training, camp and tutoring experiences, coaching, conference attendance and/or presentations, and membership in professional associations, like NSTA, PSEA, etc.

This blog represents the first draft of the reflective essay you will use for Domain #4 in your professional portfolio.


Week of November 18

Reflect upon your experiences this semester with meeting the competencies under Domain #3 (Instruction). Consider what artifacts and documents you have which fulfill this domain. You can reflect upon experiences from your field placement and your methods block courses.

Consider the instructional strategies and methods you have used to facilitate powerful teaching and learning in social studies, mathematics, reading/language arts, and science.

This blog represents the first draft of the reflective essay you will use for Domain #3 in your professional portfolio.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week of November 11

Reflect upon your experiences this semester with meeting the competencies under Domain #2 (The Classroom Environment). Consider what artifacts and documents you have which fulfill this domain. You can reflect upon experiences from your field placement and your methods block courses.

Consider how you have created a culture of learning for powerful teaching in social studies, mathematics, reading/language arts, and science.

This blog represents the first draft of the reflective essay you will use for Domain #2 in your professional portfolio.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week of November 4

Reflect upon your experiences this semester with meeting the competencies under Domain #1 (Planning and Preparation). Consider what artifacts and documents you have which fulfill this domain. You can reflect upon experiences from your field placement and your methods block courses. Consider first what you have done in social studies, and then examine mathematics, reading/language arts, and science.

This blog represents the first draft of the reflective essay you will use for Domain #1 in your professional portfolio.

Week of October 28

No Blog. Self-Assessment due Monday 11/1.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week of October 21

Various forms of media, technology, and resources have been modeled in our class to promote powerful teaching and learning in elementary social studies. Discuss the use of technology and media in your field placement classroom and the ways in which you might integrate these resources in your own classroom.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week of October 14

OPEN BLOG - Discuss anything pertinent from your placement experience today.